Creating an account

Step 1: Personal information

Open the Confidently homepage at

To create a Confidently account, simply click on Sign Up in the top right corner and enter your personal details.

Password recovery is not implemented yet, so make sure to note down your password.

Step 2: KYC

This step is not implemented yet, so it can only be skipped.

Step 3: Areas of Expertise and Interests

Select your Areas of Expertise and Interests.

  • Areas of Expertise are used to match you with news you can work on. You should select topics you have a vast knowledge of.

  • Interests are mainly "cosmetic" and will be used to personalize your content feed

Since in beta there is no profile edit (yet!) these settings cannot be changed later on. Profile edit will be available in a few weeks.

Step 4: About You

Complete your profile by adding links to personal blogs and your academic credentials. This step is optional and can be safely skipped.

Since in beta there is no profile edit (yet!) these settings cannot be changed later on. Profile edit will be available in a few weeks.

Step 5: done!

Complete the onboarding tour. Your account should now be ready and you should be redirected to the Dashboard.

Last updated